Lessons from the Bees

I am amazed how often my honeybees find their way into conversations. People are fascinated with them. They love hearing about the charming society of bees and learning how they can help in the effort to “save” the bees. Movies about bees have even been block buster hits. Truth be told, bees lead relatively ordinary, […]

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Pesticide Poisoning: A Beekeeper’s Heartache

Editor’s note added April 18, 2023 (below). My heart sank. It was a sight no beekeeper wants to see. Hundreds, if not thousands, of dead and dying bees on the ground outside the entrance of one of my hives. The diagnosis — pesticide poisoning — did not take long. The telltale signs were the quirky […]

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Whoopsie Daisy, Get Busy and Other Things Bees Might Say

We have always known that honeybees are among the most intelligent creatures on the planet. They live in amity with each other, work hard and train for a variety of occupations during their lifetime. New research is revealing them to be excellent communicators as well. Bees “talk” to each other by emitting and receiving vibrations. […]

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Winter Bees

What do honeybees do in the winter? Do they hibernate like bears? Do they head south for the winter and then return north in the spring? Unlike most of their insect cousins who hibernate, honeybees remain active during winter and live in the same abode they did during warmer months. They survive the Winter Wonderland […]

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Her Royal Highness, the Queen Bee

Though your bee knowledge may be rudimentary, you most certainly know two things about bees. One, they make honey. Two, the Queen Bee rules the roost. But, what does the queen actually do? And how does one become Queen Bee? Do bees appoint the queen? Does she look different than other bees? How many queens […]

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